Do gym can dry milk?

Expert answer:

Doing gym does not dry milk, provided that the physical exercises are not very intense and the woman has a feeding and hydration.

This is because physical activity increases caloric expenditure of the body, which is already burning about 800 more calories due to breastfeeding.

Therefore, if the exercise is very strenuous and the woman does not have a proper diet, with the calories ingested at the right dose, milk production can be impaired and breastfeeding.

In addition to caring for food, it is essential to increase water intake to replace lost fluids in the gym, as dehydration can also compromise milk production.

It should also be remembered that intense physical activity increases the concentration of lactic acid in the body and can alter the taste of breast milk, making it more difficult to be accepted by the baby.

However, as long as the exercise is done in the right dose, preferably by a professional, it will not disrupt breastfeeding.

If you are breastfeeding and want to go back or start a gym, talk to your gynecologist.