Does sauna every day hurt?

Expert answer:

Doing a sauna every day is bad especially to the skin, and can age it due to the loss of fluids that the body suffers from the heat. The most suitable frequency for sauna is 2 to 3 times a week, for 15 to 20 minutes, and the maximum temperature should not exceed 75 ° C.

An adult person can lose about half a liter of liquids in 20 minutes of sauna. Therefore, staying for a long time in the sauna or sauna daily can cause dehydration, leading to symptoms such as dizziness, thirst, cramps, headache, among other disorders.

Main sauna benefit is in the heat, which can raise body temperature up to 39ºC and accelerate vital functions of the body, such as increased metabolism and vitalization of circulation.

Heat also causes peripheral dilatation of the blood vessels, especially the capillaries of the upper and lower limbs, as well as dilating the pores and favoring the elimination of toxins.

Another benefit of the sauna, in this case humid, is the fluidification of the air boosts, being especially suitable for people suffering from sinusitis.

For more information about the benefits and possible malfunctions of the sauna, talk to your doctor.