Does having sex in excess cause any harm?

Expert answer:

Having sex in excess does not cause any harm. Physically, the excess of sexual relations can cause some pain, discomfort or blazing in the genitals, in both the man and the woman. This happens by friction, which causes minor injuries and causes these symptoms.

Men who engage in excessive sex may have sperm that is darker with a reddish or brown color. It is a condition called hematospermia, which is the presence of blood in the seminal fluid. However, it is usually nothing serious. If the cause is even the excess of sex, the treatment is done with sexual abstinence and resting.

It is difficult to define exactly what "excess sex" is. There are people who get satisfied having sex once a week, while others want to do it 3 times a day. It is not possible to establish a limit, of the gender: sex does well to "x" sexual intercourse per day, more than that can be harmful. Limits and quantity vary on each person.

On the other hand, while there is a certain physical limit to sex, there is also a behavioral limit. If the need to have sex begins to interfere with a person's daily life, to the point that he or she neglects other activities that are important to him, with work, studies, social life or leisure, it may be some kind of compulsion.

In these cases, it is best to seek a sexologist or psychotherapist to identify the source of the disorder. Some medications may also inhibit sexual compulsion and help the individual restore his or her normal routine.