Does Reflux in Baby Have Cure? What is the treatment?

Expert answer:

Reflux in babies is common and has a cure. Some measures are effective to avoid or minimize it:

  • Avoid rocking the baby;
  • Do not wear clothes that tighten the belly;
  • Have a good position during feedings to prevent air from entering the baby's mouth;
  • For belching, after feeding, the baby should stand upright on the adult's lap for 30 minutes;
  • In feedings, leave the baby's nostrils free to breathe;
  • Avoid giving large amounts of milk at one time;
  • Increase the frequency of feedings;
  • Lay the baby on her side and the head of the crib raised about 30 degrees.

In more severe cases of reflux, treatment with medicines such as bromopride or domperidone may be necessary and should be directed by your pediatrician. In some rare cases, surgery may be necessary for reflux.