If I have an ultrasound, do I need to have a Pap smear?

Does Dr. Vaginal Ultrasound detect everything a pap smear would detect? Or even doing the ultrasound, the preventive is necessary? Thank you!
Expert answer:

O Pap smear (Preventive) and ultrasonography have different functions and may complementary.

O preventive exam is carried out with the objective of identify changes in the cells of the cervix and vagina to detect early injury or illness such as cancer of the cervix. The examination is done with the superficial scraping of vaginal secretions and the cervix that the professional puts on a slide. This blade will go to laboratory evaluation and after a few days the result is accessible.

THE transvaginal ultrasonography serves for evaluate pelvic organs and structures of the woman as uterus, endometrium, ovaries, uterine tubes, etc. It is an image examination in which, through an instrument, the doctor / patient immediately visualizes normalities or possible changes in that region.

For this reason, two exams are different and serve to different purposes. The woman must hold both if they are ordered separately. The results of the exams may complement the doctor's clinical decision.

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