I always take pills the next day, many times ...

Hi. I have had sex with my boyfriend and almost every time the condom bursts and I always take the morning-after pill, so I've had enough, I know the consequences. My question is this: if you take the first pill and after a few hours have intercourse again without protection and after 12 hours after taking the second, can you become pregnant? It happened to me. Appreciate.
Expert answer:

THE pregnancy and always possible when there are unprotected sex or failure of any contraceptive method.

THE pill of the next day should be taken in two doses. 12 hour interval between the two tablets. When used the right way, the morning after pill can be effective between 47 to 89%.

The morning after pill is effective when used up to 3 days (72 hours) after unprotected intercourse. The earlier it is used, the greater its effectiveness.

In your particular case, there may be a reduction in pill efficacy, once when performing a new intercourse after the first pill taking take, the scheme will not be completed in the correct way.

THE pill of the next day is indicated for women who have failed the usual contraceptive method (forgot to take the pill or injection, a condom has burst) or had unprotected intercourse during the fertile period or in rape.

She is consider a emergency contraception and should not be taken as a routine contraceptive method.

If the woman wishes to avoid pregnancy, it is recommended that the gynecologist, general practitioner or family doctor be consulted to indicate a long-term contraceptive method.