What are the types of mental disorders?

Expert answer:

The main types of mental disorders are neurocognitive, neurodevelopmental, emotional and externalizing disorders, as well as psychoses.

The outsourcing disorders include dependence on substances such as alcohol and drugs, antisocial personality disorder and conduct disorder.

The emotional disorders are the most frequent mental disorders, being represented by fear, anxiety, depression and somatic symptoms. Among them are anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, somatoform disorders (which cause physical symptoms), panic syndrome, depression, phobias, obsessive states, among others.

Recalling that the depression, a anxiety and the symptoms of somatoform disorders often manifest together and with the same signs and symptoms. These are also the most common mental disorders and occur more frequently in women.

The symptoms of emotional disorders are often the same, with a history of negative feelings, and it is also common for one person to have more than one disorder.

The treatment of mental disorders is done with medication and psychotherapy, according to each case.

The psychiatrist is the specialist responsible for the diagnosis and treatment orientation.

Learn more at:

Mental Disorders: How to Identify and Treat?

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