Risperidone which dosage to start and at what times?

Hi, I'm a stutterer, for almost a year I've been treated with a speech therapist and I've had minor improvements. To maximize them, I would like to use Risperidone, which would act as a dopamine blocker. What is the optimal dosage to start with? At what times should I take it? OBS: I know of the possible side effects ...
Expert answer:

Regardless of whether I write here the dosage you should take the medicine called Risperidone or the time you will take the medicine (0.5 to 2mg depending on the disease and usually taken at night), you need to seek a doctor, neurologist or psychiatrist who will give this person's prescription or maybe even another medicine that can help you solve your problem. Never self-medicate. Never take medicines without a prescription. Self-medication is unnecessary and can be dangerous.