I started having sex shortly and had bleeding?

I am 18 years old and I have sex with my boyfriend, I lost my virginity to him a little while ago, less than 1 month has happened, and today during the relationship he ejaculated, and when we saw I was bleeding, is near my menses come. Does this dark blood mean what? Pregnancy? take away my doubt, please. remembering that we never had sex without a condom
Expert answer:

In fact this is usually due to trauma in the vagina, it is quite common to occur in the first few times that the woman has sexual intercourse, if it is only an isolated case (one time) do not have to worry, if it keeps repeating go to a gynecologist. Another important thing to remind you is that now that you have started dating you should go to a gynecologist to talk about contraception, annual cervical cancer screening, among other things.