What to do to lose weight?

Expert answer:

For lose weight it is necessary to follow a diet in which the amount of calories ingested is less than that which the body spends daily. In addition, the physical exercise is very important in the process of weight loss as it helps you to lose weight much faster.

Some recommendations for who wants to lose weight:

  • Fraction feeding: Making small snacks among the main meals helps keep hunger under control and boosts metabolism. Cereal bars, low-fat yogurts and fruits are good snacks;
  • Have a balanced diet: It is important to distribute food well throughout the day, avoiding to eat large amounts of carbohydrates at one time;
  • Replace food: Pasta, rice, breads and whole grains give more satiety than foods made with white flour because they have a lower glycemic index. This means that they avoid a large release of insulin, which is temporarily satiated, but after a short time, the person gets hungrier still;
  • Increase protein intake: Proteins take longer to digest and thus prolong the feeling of satiety. Chicken, fish, meats, milk and eggs are good sources of protein;
  • Practice physical exercises: Physical activity increases the amount of calories the body burns and therefore greatly enhances weight loss. However, to contribute to weight loss, exercise should be practiced at least 4 times a week.

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The nutritionist is the right professional to prescribe a diet to lose weight, which will take into account the person's caloric needs, according to their weight, height, lifestyle, among other factors.