What to do to heal cold sores?

Expert answer:

To cure thrush in the mouth, tongue, gums or cheeks, it is recommended to apply ointments with analgesic and corticosteroid to relieve pain and control inflammation, as well as mouthwash with antiseptic rinses to reduce irritation on the spot.

In some cases, medications may be prescribed antibiotics to cure the secondary infection that may be causing the cold sore in the mouth. In order to treat larger aphthae, which present intense symptoms and prolonged duration, the use of corticoid by oral route.

The treatment of the sore has as main objectives to relieve the pain, to reduce the duration of the ulcer and to reduce the frequency of new episodes. Minor aphthas, less than 1 cm in size, tend to heal spontaneously in 7 to 10 days without leaving a scar. The larger ones, measuring more than 1 cm, can last up to 6 weeks and leave scarring.

The use of ointments is only possible when the canker is located in easily accessible places, such as tongue, mouth (lips), gums and the inside of the cheek. The application of topical medications to throat canker sores, for example, is infeasible. In these cases, the treatment is done with gargarejos and oral medications, when necessary.

Some products and therapies like bicarbonate of sodium, silver nitrate and application of laser, attack the base of the cold sore and destroy the nerve endings, which may relieve the symptoms in some cases. However, these treatments do not accelerate healing or can cure the cold sore.

During the treatment of the sore, one should also avoid hot, sour or spicy foods, which can further irritate the injury.

If the canker sores do not heal within a maximum of 10 days, you can consult the dentist, family doctor or general practitioner for an evaluation.

Learn more at: What are the main causes of thrush and what to do to avoid it?