What to do to lower triglycerides?

Expert answer:

To lower triglycerides it is necessary to have a diet balanced, practice physical activity and lose weight. Treatment for high triglycerides mainly consists of changes in lifestyle. When these measures are not sufficient or the triglyceride levels are very high, the treatment also includes medicines.

The diet to lower triglycerides should include foods low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. The diet should be high in fiber, which can reduce blood triglyceride levels by up to 20%.

It is also important to decrease your intake of carbohydrates (especially white sugar and sweets) and alcoholic beverages.

In addition to diet, it is recommended to practice physical activity regularly (at least 30 minutes a day) and not to smoke. Losing weight and staying at the right weight is part of the treatment for high triglycerides.

By increasing the body's energy expenditure with exercise and reducing caloric intake, the body will use the fat reserves as a source of energy. Like the triglycerides are a type of fat, they will also be used as fuel by the body and their levels tend to lower.

When triglycerides are too high, above 400 mg / dl, they can cause pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Treatment in these cases should be immediate and intense, with diet, exercise and medication.

Learn more at: What are the causes and symptoms of high triglycerides?

One of the remedies used to lower triglycerides is gemfibrozil, which acts on triglycerides and also raises levels of HDL cholesterol, the so-called "good cholesterol."

Many people with elevated triglycerides have underlying diseases or genetic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity, which makes keeping these diseases / disorders under control.

Treatment for high triglycerides may be prescribed by a general practitioner, family physician or, preferably, an endocrinologist.

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