Is ejaculation pain normal? What can it be and what to do?

Expert answer:

Feeling pain at the time of ejaculation is not normal. Painful ejaculation can be a symptom of inflammation or infection in the prostate (prostatitis), seminal vesicle or urethra, cancer prostate cancer, or due to the use of antidepressants.

The pain, which arises at the moment or soon after ejaculation, seems to be caused by muscle spasms in the perineum (region between the anus and the penis) and in the channels through which the sperm passes.

In cases of acute prostatitis, the patient may experience pain in the canal, testicles, perineum, groin, or bladder area. It is common for pain to arise soon after ejaculation and last for days. Prostatitis can be a consequence of a sexually transmitted disease.

It is best to seek the family physician, general practitioner or urologist so that the cause of the painful ejaculation is properly diagnosed and treated.

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