What to do when a person has a seizure?

Expert answer:

When a person has a convulsion, you must follow the following First Aid Procedures:

  1. Lay the victim on his or her belly up and with his head on his side to prevent him from choking on his own saliva;
  2. Remove any object that could cause injury and remove your personal objects, such as glasses, rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces;
  3. Put a cloth between the teeth so that the person does not bite the tongue;
  4. Protect the skull by placing a piece of cloth, a blouse or a coat under the head, so that the victim can move freely without getting hurt;
  5. Loosen clothing and let person struggle freely until movement stops;
  6. If the seizure lasts more than 4 minutes, call an ambulance and stay by the victim's side.

What to do when the seizure passes?

  1. Leave the head turned sideways to drain the saliva and avoid gagging;
  2. Clean saliva secretions with a napkin, cloth or paper towel;
  3. Make sure the victim breathes normally;
  4. If the person is asleep, turn it aside;
  5. Do not give any medicine;
  6. Call an ambulance or take the victim to an emergency room.

What should I not do in case of convulsion?

  • Hold the person to prevent it from moving;
  • Slap or throw water on victim's face;
  • Give something to the person to smell;
  • Try to open the mouth of the victim.

A seizure is a involuntary contracture of muscles of the body that causes uncoordinated movements, usually accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Cases of seizures should be evaluated in the emergency room by general practitioners.