What to do when a person has a cardiac arrest?

Expert answer:

In case of cardiorespiratory arrest, the first thing to do is to call an ambulance immediately by the number 192 and start the first aid, which in this case is the cardiorespiratory resuscitation, which should be done as follows:

  1. Position the victim lying flat on a firm, flat surface (the head should not be higher than the feet to avoid harming the cerebral blood flow);
  2. Kneel next to the victim, so that your shoulders are directly over the middle of the patient's chest;
  3. Make 15 strong, rhythmic understandings in the middle of the thorax (between the nipples), using the weight of your body;
  4. Next, take 2 mouth-to-mouth breaths;
  5. Repeat the sequence until the victim arrives or resuscitates.

The rate of chest compressions should be at least 100 compressions per minute. It is recommended count out loud to avoid mistakes and to leave the action more effective.

If cardiorespiratory arrest occurs in drink or kid, one should do 1 mouth-to-mouth every 5 compressions.

How to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in case of cardiorespiratory arrest?

  1. Clear the victim's airway by removing dentures, blood or vomit;
  2. With one hand under the victim's head and the other hand over the forehead, tilt the patient's head back until the chin is at a level higher than the nose, so that the tongue does not block the air passage;
  3. Close the victim's nostrils closely, using the thumb and index finger of the hand that was previously on the patient's forehead;
  4. Inhale deeply and place your mouth firmly over the victim's mouth;
  5. Breathe hard into the victim's mouth until you realize that your chest is lifting up as if you were breathing;
  6. Gently squeeze the victim's stomach to expel the air;
  7. Take a deep breath and repeat the procedure.

It may be necessary to perform the cardiorespiratory resuscitation for a long time, which requires a lot of energy and resilience on the part of the rescuer.

Therefore, it is take turns with someone else so that the procedure is constant and does not lose the vigor of the movements, that must be executed with force.

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What to do if (or suspected) of a heart attack?

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