What is lipodystrophy and what are the symptoms?

Expert answer:

Lipodystrophy is a set of changes that occur in the distribution of subcutaneous fat (under the skin) caused by problems in metabolism. Lipodystrophy may occur mainly in people with diabetes or who are treated with antiretrovirals to HIV.

The signs and symptoms of lipodystrophy are characterized by changes in redistribution of body fat, which may manifest themselves in the following ways:

  • Lipoatrophy: Decreased fat in arms, legs, face and buttocks, which can leave the muscles and veins of legs and arms well visible;
  • Lipohypertrophy: Excessive fat concentration in certain places, such as:
    • Abdomen;
    • Nuca;
    • Between the shoulders (dorsal region);
    • Thorax, with growth of breasts in men and increase of the same in women;
    • Around the neck;
    • Pubic region.

Lipodystrophy can also manifest mixed, with association of lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy.

In women, lipoatrophy leaves the most masculine body due to the loss of fat in the hip and legs, in addition to the arms, which remain with the prominent veins.

When there is fat accumulation (lipohypertrophy), the breast augmentation and the appearance of giba (hump) are very common.

We men, fat accumulates mainly in the abdomen, which is more consistent and stewed.

In addition to changes in the distribution of body fat, lipodystrophy can also increase triglyceride, cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood.

Although there is no treatment capable of reversing all changes in lipodystrophy, there are options that help to mitigate its effects, such as aesthetic surgeries and physical exercise.