What is low back pain?

Expert answer:

Low back It's how doctors call back pain. More specifically, pain in the lumbar region, which is the lower part of the back.

Most of these pains are of muscular origin, that is, caused by some physical exertion done in an exaggerated or incorrect way.

The main causes of muscle pain include carrying excessive weight (including one's own weight in the case of obese people), having a poor posture and other habits that end up straining the muscles.

In some cases, however, it can be a sign of more serious diseases, such as inflammation of bones, tendons and muscles, as well as urinary and skin infections, or even some types of cancer.

In general, improvement in posture associated with stretching and mild physical activity can greatly help in relieving symptoms, but it is always important that the person look for a doctor for a more detailed evaluation, especially in cases where the pains last for a long time or do not improve with common analgesics.