What is synovitis and what is the treatment?

Expert answer:

Sinovite is an inflammation or proliferation of the synovial membrane, a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds the innermost part of the joint and produces synovial fluid, which serves to lubricate the same, among other functions.

Synovitis occurs due to irritation of the synovial tissue, caused by a trauma or a inflammatory reaction in the joint, which causes an excessive increase of synovial fluid.

Knee synovitis is most commonly seen, although the joints of the hands, wrist, elbow, hip, shoulder, ankle and foot may also be affected.

O treatment of synovitis should be applied according to its causes, which is often a basic disease. If this disease is not treated properly, there is a high likelihood of synovitis returning.

Among the measures used to treat synovitis are:

  • Rest of the affected joint, keeping it in a position that allows a greater relaxation of the adjacent musculature;
  • Drainage of joint fluid;
  • Heat application;
  • Increased muscle strength and flexibility to prevent recurrence.

The doctor responsible for the treatment of synovitis is the orthopedist.