What is allergic sinusitis and what are the symptoms?

Expert answer:

Allergic sinusitis is a inflammation of the paranasal sinuses caused by respiratory allergy. The symptoms Most common allergic sinusitis include facial pain, facial weight sensation, headache, nighttime cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, and swelling around the eyes.

The paranasal sinuses are bony cavities located around the nose and behind the apple of the face, forehead and eyes. The breasts are lined by a mucosa and within them is produced mucus, which is drained to the nose through small tunnels.

When these tunnels are obstructed by secretion, swelling of the mucosa or other cause, the sinuses lose communication with the nose, being sealed and without ventilation. The mucus is then accumulated, facilitating the proliferation of virus, bacteria or fungi which are the source of sinusitis.

The symptoms of allergic sinusitis are usually present in the allergic rhinitis. Allergies usually leave the nasal mucosa and sinuses congested, which favors the onset of infection. A vicious circle is created: the allergy causes sinusitis and this, in turn, worsens the allergy.

Allergic sinusitis There is no cure., since allergy is a genetic inheritance. It is therefore essential to identify and depart from the factors that can trigger an allergic crisis.

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