Swollen eye: what can it be and what to do?

Expert answer:

Swollen eye can have several causes, ranging from simple problems like allergies, conjunctivitis and contact lens wear, to serious diseases such as kidney failure and ocular herpes. The treatment of swollen eyes depends on their causes.

Some causes of swollen eye:

  • Conjuntivites: It is an inflammation of the clear mucosa of the surface of the eye, the conjunctiva, which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or being allergic;
  • Horde: Known popularly as "terçol, it is a bacterial infection followed by an inflammation in the hair follicles (outer hordeolum) or glands of Zeiss (internal hordeolum). It can leave the whole eyelid swollen and make it touch sensitive as well;
  • Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelids, usually caused by the excessive production of a fatty layer by a gland found in the eyelid. It is characterized by swollen and painful eyelids, and may be accompanied by dandruff, changes in the skin of the eyelid and loss of eyelashes;
  • Eye injuries: Trauma in the eye region may leave the eye swollen;
  • Foreign bodies / irritants (cleaning solvents, make-up, moisturizers, shampoo, soap, pool chlorine, small insects, among others): May make eyes irritated and swollen;
  • Use of contact lenses: Poorly sanitized lenses or swimming with contact lenses can cause an eye infection and leave the eyelid swollen. Contact lenses overdue, damaged or even sleeping and forgetting to remove the lenses can also cause eye irritation and leave it swollen;
  • Dehydration: When water is lacking in the body, the body tends to store more water to compensate, leading to fluid retention that can leave the eyes swollen;
  • Allergy: One of the main causes of swollen eyes. It usually leaves the eyes red, causing itching and irritation;
  • Arterial hypertension: High blood pressure increases the flow of fluids around the eyes, which can cause swelling;
  • Thyroid problems: One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is swollen eyes;
  • Renal insufficiency: It causes fluid retention due to loss of ability of the kidneys to eliminate body fluids with the same efficiency. The eyelids become swollen and the swelling can expand to the whole face, being more evident upon waking;
  • Ocular herpes: Caused by the common herpes simplex virus, it causes inflammation and sometimes scarring of the cornea. Symptoms may be similar to those of conjunctivitis, although painful eyelid wounds and blurred vision may occur. It can range from a mild infection to a more severe form that can lead to loss of vision.

Swollen eye caused by allergies, antihistamine drops or oral allergy remedies can be treated with lubricants, which can help in the relief of symptoms. The ophthalmologist may also opt for mild steroid eye drops in case of more severe allergic reactions.

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The antibiotics may be indicated in case of infections, conjunctivitis or ocular herpes, in addition to antiviral eye drops and ocular anti-inflammatory ointments, depending on the disease.

Lighter cases of swollen eye can be treated at home. First and foremost, one should avoid rubbing the eyes so that the condition does not worsen further and suspend the use of contact lenses until the swelling disappears. Cold compresses can also decrease the swelling of the eyelids.

In the case of a swollen eye, an ophthalmologist should preferably be sought.