Red eyes, what can it be?

Expert answer:

Red eye can have several causes. The redness can be a sign of conjunctivitis, infection, allergy, bleeding, among other problems and eye diseases.

At viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are the main cause of reddish eyes. In these cases, the redness mainly affects the eyelids. In addition to red eyes, conjunctivitis also causes increased production of secretion, lacrimation, burning, sensitivity to light (photophobia) and itching.

The symptoms of conjunctivitis usually disappear within two weeks. Treatment may include the use of eye drops and ointments with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. It is worth remembering that the disease is contagious and usually affects both eyes.

At allergies are also among the main causes of red-eye, especially in children and people who have already had pictures of rhinitis, sinusitis and bronchitis. Signs and symptoms include redness and itching in the eyes, in addition to swelling of the eyelids.

Ocular allergies and allergic conjunctivitis affect both eyes and are not contagious. The treatment is performed with antihistaminic (antiallergic) eye drops.

In haemorrhages, although the eye gets quite red at the bleeding site, the risk of losing sight is very low. Normally no pain and the redness tends to disappear spontaneously within 3 weeks.

Another disease responsible for reddish eyes is the uveitis. In these cases, the redness manifests in the colored part of the eye (iris) and tends to affect only one side. The person still has "aversion to light" (photophobia), pain and blurred vision, usually associated with the presence of small black dots moving in the field of view.

Treatment for uveitis is also done with eye drops and antibiotic, antifungal or antiviral medications. In autoimmune uveitis, the ophthalmologist may prescribe corticoids or immunomodulators.

THE blepharitis, also known as "dry eye", leaves the Dry eyes, red, blazing and you have the feeling of having sand in the eyes. The redness is not usually very intense, but the symptoms are aggravated by wind, dry environments and air conditioning. The treatment is simple, often done with artificial tears to relieve the discomfort until the symptoms disappear

Finally, there is also the pterygium. The eyes do not usually become constantly red in these situations, but the problem causes burning, tearing and photophobia. The symptoms are treated with lubricating eye drops or constrictors of the blood vessels.

Since red eyes can be a sign of diseases that can affect vision, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist to assess the cause of redness and indicate appropriate treatment. Dripping eye drops to relieve symptoms without medical indication only hides the source of the problem and can make the picture worse.

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