What is the treatment for pulmonary emphysema?

Expert answer:

Treatment of pulmonary emphysema may include medicines bronchodilators and corticosteroids, therapy with oxygen, exercise program for pulmonary rehabilitation, surgery reduction of lungs and even transplant of the lung.

Since pulmonary emphysema has no cure, treatment should be continued until the end of life. The goal is to decrease symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

Therefore, the earlier the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment will be and the greater the lifetime of the patient.

In addition to medications, exercise and other therapeutic options, it is quit smoking, especially in the earliest stages of pulmonary emphysema. Stopping smoking while obstructing airflow is still mild or moderate may delay the appearance of a disabling airway.

Treatment of emphysema may also include medications that help stop smoking or decrease cigarette smoking.

The bronchodilators and the corticoids aim to improve breathing and make it easier. Pulmonary rehabilitation is done with breathing exercises which improve the patient's quality of life.

People with more advanced pulmonary emphysema may require the use of oxygen at home, sometimes throughout the day.

THE surgery allows the removal of the most damaged portions of the lung and may be indicated in the most severe cases.

Already the lung transplant is the last treatment option for pulmonary emphysema and is only used in some patients when all other therapies are not effective.

Patients with pulmonary emphysema should also avoid exposing themselves to cigarette smoke from other smokers, as well as other types of pollutants, such as automobile smoke, air pollution, some paints, among others.

The air filters must always be kept clean and it is also advisable to avoid the cold, as cold air causes bronchial spasms and makes breathing more difficult.

The pulmonologist is the specialist responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary emphysema.

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