Who has had syphilis can donate blood?

Expert answer:

Yes, those who had syphilis can donate blood, provided you have completed the treatment and wait 12 months to make the donation after having treated the disease.

Ordinance No. 1353 of 2011 of the Ministry of Health indicates all diseases and conditions that prevent the donation of blood and those that temporarily prevent it. Syphilis enters this temporary classification. Once the correct treatment is completed and after waiting 12 months, the person who has had syphilis may donate blood.

The test to detect syphilis and other blood-borne diseases serves as screening for blood donation.

Individuals who have had syphilis remain with antibodies against the disease for a time, even after they have already been cured. If they still have antibodies in their blood, the test is positive.

Therefore, this waiting time of 12 months after treatment to donate blood is necessary since the antibodies take some time to stabilize in the bloodstream.

Blood donation is a very important life-saving practice. If you are between 16 and 69 years of age, over 50 kg, look for a nearest Donation Center (Hemocenter) for more information.

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