10 Tips to Improve Sleep Quality

Expert answer:

Here's how to improve sleep quality and fight insomnia by following some tips, known as sleep hygiene:

  1. Sleep only as long as necessary to rest;
  2. Try to always wake up at the same time and make it a routine, even if you have slept badly at night as this will help regulate the sleep cycle;
  3. Avoid napping during the day while you are having insomnia or poor sleep. When you start sleeping better, there is no problem taking a nap;
  4. Practice physical activity regularly, but it is important that the exercise be done 4 hours or more before bed. Otherwise, the adrenaline released during activity may make sleep difficult and cause insomnia;
  5. Try to sleep in quiet, dark places;
  6. Avoid stimulating beverages such as coffee, black tea, mate tea, guarana and cola-like beverages after 6 pm;
  7. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol before going to bed. Alcohol can even help you sleep, but most of the time sleep is of poor quality;
  8. Do not sleep hungry. Having a light snack before going to bed may help you sleep better;
  9. Avoid standing in front of the computer, tablet, cellular or television before bed, because the very light of these equipments are stimulating and can hamper the sleep;
  10. If you go to bed and can not sleep in 20 minutes, get up, read something and try again after a few minutes. If you can not get to sleep, stay in bed for 20 minutes but do not try to sleep. If you can fall asleep, fine, but the point in this case is to go back to bed without the commitment of having to sleep.

These measures will help you implement a healthy routine for better quality and quantity of sleep.

How do I know if I have a good quality of sleep?

The first signs of poor sleep are:

  • Take more than 30 minutes to get to sleep;
  • Wake up at night and have trouble falling asleep again;
  • Waking up feeling tired or not getting enough sleep.

People that they sleep badly, usually also have some symptoms during the day, as:

  • Lack of energy;
  • Irritability;
  • Lack of memory and concentration;
  • Somnolence.

If even after you take these steps you can not sleep better, you should see a neurologist who specializes in sleep disorders.

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