11 Changes that Happen in Your Body During Pregnancy

Expert answer:

Some changes that occur in the body during pregnancy may be visible soon in the first weeks of gestation, such as swollen breasts and darkening of the nipples. As the pregnancy progresses, other changes body of the pregnant woman.

Look 11 changes that occur in your body during the pregnancy:

  1. Painful, swollen breasts: Early in pregnancy, the breasts become more tender and swollen due to hormonal changes;
  2. Dimming of the nipples and areola: The darkening of these areas serves to leave skin more resistant;
  3. Swelling: During pregnancy the body retains more fluid and therefore becomes more swollen; moreover, as the belly grows, the uterus begins to press the vena cava, which brings blood from the body to the heart, causing swelling in the legs and feet;
  4. Stretch Marks: They can arise in the abdomen, breasts, thighs, buttocks, hips, arms and back; the appearance of stretch marks in pregnancy is related to genetic factors and weight gain during pregnancy;
  5. Increase or decrease of hair: Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause a decrease or increase in the amount of hair;
  6. Weight gain: In general, women gain from 9 to 12 kg during pregnancy; the ideal is that this weight gain is not greater than 10 kg;
  7. Swollen gums: In the mouth, in addition to increased salivation, there is swelling of the gums, which can bleed;
  8. Nasal obstruction and bleeding: As the blood vessels are more dilated, the nose may become clogged and bleed;
  9. Change in eyeball curvature: This change may change the degree of the lenses or glasses if the pregnant woman already has vision problems;
  10. Appearance of pimples and dark spots on the face: Increased oiliness of the skin may occur, with the consequent onset of acne; while spots on the face, also known as melasmas, can regress up to one year after delivery, although in some cases the areas with more pigmentation do not disappear completely;
  11. Changes in genital organ: The vulva and perineum (region between the anus and the vagina) tend to become darker, the vaginal acidity changes and there is an increase in lubrication.

After pregnancy, most of the changes that occur in the body of the pregnant woman disappears spontaneously or can be reversed with appropriate treatment.

For more information, talk to your obstetrician during prenatal care.