What are the symptoms of personality disorder?

Expert answer:

People with dependent personality disorder have a great need to be cared for and has fear of separation. They feel uncomfortable or helpless when they are alone because they find themselves unable to take care of themselves, with unrealistic concerns and fears of being left to fend for themselves.

When they finish an affective relationship, they urgently seek a new relationship to obtain affection and protection, adopting submissive behaviors in their personal relationships.

The symptoms of this type of personality disorder begin to manifest in young adults, in different situations and contexts.

Individuals with a dependent personality disorder also have difficulty making decisions without first seeking much advice and support from others, even though such decisions are routine.

In fact, they need others to take global control of the major areas of their lives. The fear of losing approval it's the support it also makes them difficult to disagree with others' opinions, sometimes even doing extremely unpleasant things for others for fear of such loss.

They find it difficult to start projects on their own initiative because they do not trust themselves or their abilities, although they can be motivated and have the energy to do so.


The treatment for the personality disorder is mainly done with psychotherapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most used method. The goal is to assist the individual in identifying their imbalance and to monitor it, helping to change behavior and develop self-control.

The medicines can be used to treat mental disorders that may be associated with personality disorder, such as depression, anxiety, and other disorders.

The psychiatrist is the specialist responsible for the diagnosis and guidance of the treatment of personality disorder.

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