What is the risk of pregnancy in this case?

Hello, Tomava Allestra 20 a few years ago, I stopped for a few months and I started drinking again. However, I did not take the first card at the right time, because I was not having sex, and since I lost my card when I was in the last week, I finished the card before 21 days. During this first card, I had a slight menstrual bleeding every day until menstruation. I returned to take the second card after the 7 day break, I did not take exactly the same time, but within 12 hours. Now I am in the middle of this second pack of Allestra 20, I had unprotected intercourse and I took the DIAD emergency pill in the first 24 hours. Doubts: - Since I did not correctly take the first Allestra 20 card, is the second one working? Should I have started again on the first day of menstruation? - I continued to take Allestra 20 even with the use of the DIAD pill, is that correct? (I took even the same day I took DIAD). - What is the risk of pregnancy in this case?
Expert answer:

The second card is already working, but it is not 100%, you should use a condom during that month. When you take the next day's pill (which was unnecessary) you should continue with your contraceptive card normally. The risk of pregnancy is very small in this case.