How long after a C-section can I get pregnant?

Expert answer:

After a caesarean section, you should wait 18 to 24 months to get pregnant again, because getting pregnant before 18 months after a cesarean section can bring risks to the woman and the baby due to the possibility of uterine rupture due to the fragility of the uterine wall caused by pregnancy and recent caesarean section.

Other problems that can occur at short intervals between one pregnancy and another are:

  • Iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency anemia): due to the lack of time for the maternal organism to recover lost iron during the previous gestation.
  • Placenta previa (when the placenta is implanted closer to the cervix): risk of severe bleeding, impossibility of normal delivery, fetal death.
  • Premature births and low birth weight of the baby.

The obstetrician is the physician who should be consulted to guide the spacing necessary between two pregnancies.