Can Remedies Cause Hiccups?

Expert answer:

Yes, some remedies can cause hiccups. Among the drugs that may cause prolonged bouts of hiccups are the anesthetics used in general anesthesia, corticosteroids, benzodiazepine anxiolytics (diazepam, lorazepam), levodopa, ondansetron and alpha-methyldopa. The exact mechanism by which these remedies can cause hiccups is not fully understood, but is likely to be related to central nervous system performance.

Hiccups are muscle spasms diaphragm, the muscle responsible for inspiration during breathing. Most of the time the hiccup occurs when the diaphragm suffers some kind of irritation that produces a vigorous contraction of the muscle (spasm), causing the air to enter the lungs at a high speed.

The hiccup may also be caused by metabolic changes caused by alcoholism or uncontrolled diabetes, central nervous system diseases such as meningitis or tumors.

Other common causes of hiccup include gastroesophageal reflux, smoking, chewing gum, diaphragmatic nerve changes, among others.

A very effective way to stop sobbing is to drinking water "upside down", ie holding the glass with one hand and placing the mouth on the far edge of the glass, so that the chin is inside the glass. Then, to drink the water, you should lean your torso forward.

Here are the best ways to stop the hiccup.

If the hives persist, talk to the doctor who prescribed the medication.

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