Remedies for weight loss

Expert answer:

There are precise medical indications for weight loss such as morbid obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes among other diseases, it is not this type of treatment that I want to discuss, but rather address the issue that most people are looking for to lose weight. aesthetic factor. This is triggered the main reason and is also what most worries, many people commit medication abuses running serious health risks. Regardless of the reasons that led you to seek information about weight loss pills, let's discuss what really matters.

The first important step when talking about remedies to lose weight is that in fact they do not exist, none of the prescription drugs to lose weight, they are actually appetite suppressants such as sibutramine (there are other appetite suppressants and other remedies that are not appetite suppressants, I will cite only this because it is the most used and its use is released by Anvisa). Much of the treatment and use of remedies to lose weight must start from this basic principle: the remedies to lose weight do not lose weight. With this in mind we go to the second step: for the remedy to do the expected result (weight loss) you need to help the medicine to help you. It may sound strange said that way, but that's exactly it. The remedy to lose weight can only develop its full weight loss if you help the remedy.

Explaining better: just understand that to lose weight you will have to diet, there are many types of diet that you find on the internet or in a magazine (some diets are very strange), the best diet for your case is the one specially prepared for you by one nutritionist. Most people looking for weight loss remedy have already done some sort of diet. Virtually all diets are good for weight loss, but people can not lose weight because they can not maintain their diet for long. Here are the remedies to lose weight: you start taking the medicine, your hunger decreases considerably, which allows you to follow your diet without feeling hungry. It is much easier to diet when you are not hungry.

The third step in using weight loss pills is how long the medicine is used. People want to lose weight fast, use the remedy for a short period of time, and slimming too fast is the way to failure. Weight loss has to be slow and gradual. I will describe an ideal situation: Use sibutramine every day taking 1 tablet at 10:00 in the morning for 1 year and lose 3 to 4 kg in the first month, 2 to 3 kg in the second month and lose 1 to 2 kg per month for another 10 months ; this would total a minimum of 15 kg and a maximum of 27 kg. Would not it be wonderful to lose between 15 and 27kg? Of course, but most people do not want to wait all this time. This time of one year is very important because it is the guarantee that you will hardly return to gain weight, the so unwanted concertina effect.

"So, doctor, you mean that even taking medicines to lose weight, I have to go on a diet, all I need to do is exercise, too?" And the answer is yes. Weight loss by doing exercises is easier, faster, healthier and you better define the body. Lose weight without exercise ends up leaving the body soft and ill defined. Lose weight with exercise speeds up the process and makes you much better looking.

The side effects of sibutramine are: increased blood pressure and psychomotor agitation (among the appetite suppressants seems to be the one with the least number of side effects). Of all the patients that I have already prescribed this medication I had only 2 cases of abandonment of the treatment because of the increase of anxiety and nervousness caused by the medication.

* Special controlled prescription only provided by physicians duly registered with Anvisa. Avoid self-medication it can bring risk to your health. Do not get medicines to lose weight without consulting your doctor, only a doctor can make the correct assessment of the risks and benefits of using this type of medication and decide which is the most appropriate for your case or if it is necessary to use remedies to lose weight.