Remedies for weight loss - rules in force in Brazil

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The weight loss pills called appetite suppressants released by Anvisa for consumption in Brazil are the sibutramine and derivatives of amphetamine (femproporex, diethylpropion and mazindol) all of which currently can only be sold with special medical prescription controlled type B-2 that is retained in pharmacies. The pharmacy at the time of purchase passes the information directly to Anvisa through an electronic registration. With these data, Anvisa can better control consumption.

THE sibutramine considered first class in the treatment of obesity is no longer sold as a common drug and became part of the category of drugs that require special prescription. There was even a period in which the sale had been temporarily suspended, then it was resumed with the criteria already mentioned. It all happened after studies have pointed out that the consumption of sibutramine increases the risk of heart problems.

Another important point is that these drugs were already targeted by regulatory agencies because they are among the drugs that have experienced the greatest increases in In Brazil, this very large increase in consumption has attracted even the attention of international organizations, so much so that Brazil is singled out by international organizations as the largest consumer of this type of product in the world.

Before the adoption of the new method of controlling the medicines to lose weight, Anvisa considered banning the marketing of all the remedies for weight loss that act on the central nervous system: sibutramine and amphetamine derivatives (femproporex, diethylpropion and mazindol). By anvisa the only drug for the treatment of obesity that will continue to be released will be orlistat (Xenical).

Let's talk a little about the Orlistat (Xenical) which originally was developed as a possible treatment for dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and triglycerides) but when they realized they had the ability to promote weight loss, the focus changed. Orlistat is a potent inhibitor of pancreatic lipases, which reduces the digestion of fats in the intestine, reducing the absorption of fat ingested through food by 30%. The greatest difficulty in using Orlistat is poor adherence to treatment due to a very common and very unwanted side effect: stools become greasy and patients have frequent episodes of diarrhea.