Will menstruation go down 2 times?

Hello doctor I have a question I do not take contraceptives, I stopped with the same for a while. I had sexual intercourse with protection but the same failed, the next day 16 hours after the act I took the pill the next day. 10 days later something like my menstruation came down and stayed for 7 days ... as usual, but it was still 10 days before my menses went down, she added. I wonder if I have to menstruate again this month, even my menstruation having advanced 11 days. My menstruation is over and since then I have had a little brown discharge, like at the beginning of menstruation ... yesterday should be the right day to come down to me, should I menstruate again doctor? or will not I menstruate more this month because the menstruation has advanced with the pilula of the following day? Thanks.
Expert answer:

Hard to say, because this bleeding is due to the morning-after pill and may deregulate your menstruation a little, but it is very likely that it will come.