Is constant chills normal or can I be sick?

Expert answer:

Feeling constant chills is not normal, since the chill is often a symptom of infectious diseases and may be associated with fever. Chills and tremors that characterize chills may be present in gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections, influenza, meningitis, malaria, pneumonia, among other diseases of bacterial and viral origin.

People with Panic Syndrome or anxiety may also feel chills. In this case, it is not a physical illness or an infectious process, but a disorder of psychological origin that also requires treatment.

The chill caused by anxiety pictures is related to the sudden increase in the amount of adrenaline in the body that occurs in these situations.

Chills are vigorous and involuntary muscle contractions that serve to produce heat and control body temperature.

Among the most common causes of chills are the flu stronger and food poisoning. In flu, tremor and shivering can occur along with fever, dry cough, body aches, headache, sore throat, tiredness, among other signs and symptoms.

In food poisoning, in addition to chills, the person may also present with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain.

If the origin of the chill is a urinary infection, there is also likely to be pain or burning to urinate, urgent urge to pee, kidney pain, fever and the presence of yellowing discharge.

Since chills may be present in several infectious diseases, it is best to seek a general practitioner or family doctor to make an evaluation and receive appropriate treatment.