Broken Heart Syndrome: How to Identify and Treat?

Expert answer:

The symptoms of broken heart syndrome are very similar to those of a heart attack, such as chest pain (but less intense) shortness of breath dizziness and fainting. However, in the infarction, there is interruption of blood flow to a certain part of the heart, which dies and stops working.

Already in broken heart syndrome the arteries are not obstructed, therefore the blood usually arrives at the heart, the cardiac muscle does not suffer permanent damages and the person recovers totally.

The vast majority of cases occur in postmenopausal women who have experienced emotional impact, such as the death of the partner or a divorce, for example.


There is no treatment for broken heart syndrome. The measures are only aimed at misleading the cause and controlling the symptoms.

The medicines used to reduce excess heart work.

Treatment may also include psychotherapy, which assists the person to deal daily with stress, to go through stages of mourning, among other psychic relocations according to the origin of the problem.

Due to the similarity between the symptoms of the syndrome and the infarction, it is very important to seek a cardiologist to identify their origin. Only after discarding the hypothesis of a cardiovascular disease is that the person should seek psychological help.

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