Can Broken Heart Syndrome Kill?

Expert answer:

No, heart syndrome do not kill. The syndrome is a transient cardiac dysfunction that affects the left side of the heart and can trigger the onset of a heart attack.

However, the heart muscle is not permanently damaged and the person recovers completely, while in the heart attack tissue death occurs that interferes with the functioning of the heart and can kill.

The causes of split coercion syndrome are often associated with an intense physical or emotional stress, such as the death of a loved one or a separation, for example.

The original name for the syndrome is Takotsubo's disease, a Japanese word meaning "net" or "trap" and refers to the appearance of the heart seen in the imaging tests, similar to the traps fishermen used to get octopuses in Japan.

Broken heart syndrome mostly affects women over 65 years of age. The occurrence in patients younger than 50 years is infrequent.

Although broken heart syndrome is not fatal, attention needs to be paid to the signs and symptoms, since they are similar to a heart attack. In the presence of chest pain and other heart attack symptoms, seek medical attention to receive an appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Know more:

Broken Heart Syndrome: How to Identify and Treat?

What are the causes of broken heart syndrome?