I have hypothyroidism and I did a thyroid ultrasound ...

Good afternoon, Doctor. I've had hypothyroidism for a year and a half. Today, for the first time, I did a thyroid ultrasound. And gave the following result: Eutopic with normal volume, presenting anatomical shape and regular contours. The parenchyma presents a slightly heterogeneous appearance with a slight increase of the fibrous web. Usual ecogenicity. Usual distribution flow at the Doppler of both lobes, normal velocities in the lower thyroid arteries, measuring 39 cm / s on the right and 15 cm / s on the left. Absence of solid nodules, cystic or calcifications. No masses or lymphadenopathy are seen in regions III and IV of the neck. From there it has a table with the dimensions of the thyroid, volume etc ... And soon after they come written: Diagnostic Hypothesis: Mild changes in thyroid echocardiography, usual distribution flow to Doppler of the parenchyma, and may correspond to chronic thyroiditis. everything is fine with my thyroid (or almost okay to have Hashimoto's thyroiditis). And if there is nothing to worry about this exam. I thank you for your attention.
Expert answer:

The alterations found are typical of a post thyroiditis state.