I have rhinitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis and I take medicine on account!

At one time I had symptoms of sinusitis and a doctor prescribed me azithromycin, but I have rhinitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis and one or the other of them attacks and I find it unnecessary every time to go to the doctor for a sinusitis or rhinitis that I am already accustomed to , so in the case of rhinitis, use loratadine, and in the case of sinusitis, I buy azithromycin and do the treatment for 3 days. I wanted to know if this is dangerous, or I can continue, since the symptoms are the same and always works well. I know that self medication is not a good thing, but in cases like that, would it be acceptable?
Expert answer:

As a doctor, I am obliged to say that your conduct is dangerous and inappropriate, but in a way it is logical. But it will not always be right, it can often confuse symptoms, take too much medicine or take less medicine, may mask the symptoms of more dangerous diseases, create bacterial resistance due to inadvertent use of antibiotics and so on. When things are simple their logic works, but when things complicate their logic they put you in an even worse situation.