I have escape bleeding, can I get pregnant?

Hello, Dr. I took Diane 35 about 2 years ago and I'm in the middle of the chart, theoretically on the 14th day after menstruation and there is a splash of blood in my panties. What can this be? Are you at risk for pregnancy? Thank you very much in advance!
Expert answer:

O escape bleed é common in those who use hormonal contraceptives as Diane 35. By making regular use of contraceptives, without forgetting pills and without failures, it will have its effect guaranteed even if there are such leaks.

Exhaust Bleeding and the minimal blood loss which may occur throughout the menstrual cycle. This bleeding is different from bleeding from menstruation because it has a less vivid blood color, is not prolonged, usually lasts for a few days or even just 1 day, is noticed in the stained panties and sometimes the woman does not feel the need to use absorbent.

The risk of pregnancy in those who use contraception is reduced, around 1%. That is, who makes regular use of the medication, even presenting the escape bleeding, has a low risk of becoming pregnant.

If you have any questions, consult your family doctor, gynecologist or general practitioner for an evaluation.