I have polycystic ovary syndrome for 11 years ...

I have been carrying the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome for 11 years. I am married and have 3 children. I never menstruated regularly without the use of contraceptive and did not do any treatment to get pregnant. I have gained a baby 10 months ago and I am finishing the third cycle of Contraceptives, but I noticed that for about three weeks, purple spots on my legs have appeared, menstrual cramps, sporadic bleeding, nausea, unusual tiredness, headaches, and pain and bleeding during intercourse. Please get an appointment here by the SUS is very time consuming, only in February has vacancy for G.O. please relieve me, is there a possibility of a fourth pregnancy?
Expert answer:

In the presence of the listed symptoms, the woman should Search for the doctor gynecologist, general practitioner or family doctor for a detailed evaluation.

Those symptoms are not common and should be evaluated for women to improve their quality of life.

THE polycystic ovary syndrome adds one set of signs and symptoms that the woman can manifest, causing alterations in the menstrual cycles (that can be more spaced) and even difficult the pregnancy.

In addition to taking care of these symptoms you are now presenting, a woman with polycystic ovarian regular medical follow-up, going to the routine appointments, taking their doubts and performing the recommended treatment.

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Do polycystic ovaries have a cure? What is the treatment?