I found out I'm pregnant late and did not get prenatal. Is the baby at risk? What should I do?

Expert answer:

The woman who discovered pregnancy, regardless of the time of pregnancy, should look for a health facility to start prenatal care.

O prenatal it is a side dish made by the health professionals (doctors and nurses) during the whole gestation. That includes routine appointments for assessing the woman's health status, weighing, measuring blood pressure, and assessing the health of the fetus with measurements of the abdomen and laboratory tests.

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What tests should be done during pregnancy?

With this monitoring, it is possible to prevent and detect some pathologies both in the mother and in the fetus, ensuring a healthier gestation and allowing a process of adaptation to motherhood.

Even if you have discovered pregnancy late, the woman should go to the health department to start prenatal care.

Look for a Family Health Unit, Basic Health Unit or Gynecology / Obstetrics Medical Office to make your appointment.