When the woman who is breastfeeding is pregnant, does the milk dry?

Expert answer:

No, milk does not dry if the woman becomes pregnant while breastfeeding, but there may be a decrease in milk due to hormonal changes in gestation. Even so, she does not need to stop breastfeeding during pregnancy, but she will need to be very well nourished to produce some milk.

Babies often stop spontaneously when the woman becomes pregnant, milk flavor changes and the quantity is not the same either.

However, as a general rule, there is no problem in breastfeeding when you are pregnant, as long as the woman is healthy and the pregnancy is not considered a risk.

It may be necessary to discontinue breastfeeding if suckling of the nipples uterine contractions, especially if there is a risk of miscarriage or premature delivery.

Although there is no contraindication to breastfeeding in pregnancy, it is recommended that women do not get pregnant while you are breastfeeding so as not to overload your body and compromise your health.

For more information about breastfeeding during pregnancy, talk to your obstetrician.

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