A nauseous discharge comes out of the navel, what can it be?

Expert answer:

Exiting a foul-smelling navel secretion can have several causes, ranging from inflammation local infection (folliculitis), a reaction to a strange body (piercing), until the persistence of urachus, which is an embryonic, tube-like structure connecting the navel to the bladder.

During the formation of our body, still within the maternal womb, various structures are formed and modified until development is complete. After birth, the urachus closes and forms a ligament between the navel and the bladder. When this does not occur, a kind of channel between abexiga and the navel. During growth, they can form secretions inside it that are eliminated by umbilical scar, especially when local infections occur.

Another rare problem that may be present in the navel is a focus of endometriosis, which is the development of cells of the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus) outside the uterine cavity.

Because the causes and treatments can be very varied, you should always consult a doctor in these situations. The general practitioner is the professional indicated to treat or direct referrals to other specialists.

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