I want to get pregnant, my period has come 3 times, I feel ...

I had a miscarriage three years ago, the cause was congenital malformation and I'm trying to get pregnant again. I went to the doctor she prescribed me folic acid and contraceptive I took 2 months and stopped for 1 month and little, folic acid continued to take. I'm trying to get pregnant, I wanted to know what's going on because my menses came 3x: days 13/08/08 / 08-04-09 every 1 with a 3 day cycle. Now I feel nausea, dizziness, secretions in the breast, pains below the navel and my belly appears to be swollen. Day 19/09 I even did a pharmacy test because I thought I was pregnant! More gave negative. I would like to know what is happening I can be pregnant? My consultation is only in 20 days I am very anxious awaiting answers ...
Expert answer:

You may be pregnant yes as it may not be pregnancy and it is just a hormonal change. You can not tell if it's more for yes or no. Rest assured that everything will work out, if you are pregnant, congratulations and go do your prenatal care and if you are not you can have the chance every month ...