I want to get pregnant: what should I do?

Expert answer:

If you want to get pregnant, the first thing to do is a family planning consultation or a preconceptional orientation with the doctor. gynecologist or family doctor. In this consultation, it is interesting to go the couple because the doctor can ask certain questions and request some tests.

In addition, it is important to take prepare your body for pregnancy and protect the baby of diseases, with healthy eating practices, weight adjustment, physical exercise, taking folic acid, not smoking, not using drugs, among other measures to be guided by the health professional.

Sexual intercourse can be carried out frequently and especially during the fertile period of the woman. Some women have an irregular menstrual cycle which makes it a little harder to estimate what those fertile days are. In women with a regular cycle, the fertile period is usually in the middle of the cycle, about 14 days before the next menstruation.

However, maintaining intercourse in the fertile time does not guarantee that you will get pregnant quickly. To get an idea, a 30-year-old woman has 20% chances of get pregnant naturally if you have intercourse in your fertile time.

These details can be given by the doctor at the time of the pre-conception consultation.

To increase your chances of pregnancy, lying down after intercourse. Studies have shown that women who underwent artificial insemination and were lying down for about 15 minutes were 50% more likely to have a child than those who rose soon after.

As regards sexual position, there is no scientific evidence that any position may help to conceive. The position during intercourse has no influence on fertility.

For more information, talk to the gynecologist or family doctor who will guide you about what you should do to have a peaceful and risk-free pregnancy.

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