Who has epilepsy can drink alcohol?

Expert answer:

Drink one small amount of alcohol may not affect the people who have epilepsy under control. O moderate to heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of precipitating, mainly in the period of 7 to 48 hours after the ingestion of alcohol.

Epilepsy is a disease that has treatment and, when performed correctly, offers a good quality of life for the patient. Being in a phase of crisis management and in a stable period of treatment, the ingestion of small amounts of alcoholic beverages is allowed. It should be noted that each person has a different threshold and a different sensitivity.

The presence of moderate and excessive amounts of alcohol in the bloodstream affects the threshold at which a new seizure may be triggered. Therefore, for patients with epilepsy it is recommended avoid alcoholic beverages or make use of alcohol in moderation and in small amounts.

Try to perform the treatment consistently and correctly, continuing with medical follow-up.

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