What are the benefits of omega 3?

Expert answer:

The benefits of omega 3 are mainly related to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, infarction, thrombosis and stroke. It is known that the regular use of omega 3 in the proper doses brings several benefits to the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Omega 3 "refines" the blood, helping to prevent the formation of clots and thrombi which can clog the arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes. By lowering blood viscosity, omega 3 also improves circulation and oxygenation of tissues.

Another benefit of omega 3 is its ability to to lower bad cholestrol (LDL) and triglycerides and to increase good cholesterol (HDL), thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.

The vasodilator action of omega 3 relaxes the arteries and helps lower blood pressure and is therefore indicated in the control of arterial hypertension.

At pregnancy, omega 3 helps the growth and development of the fetus and its entire nervous system by stimulating the brain and boosting the transmissions between nerve cells. After birth, especially between 6 and 12 months of age, omega 3 increases the field of vision and neuropsychomotor development of the child.

The use of omega 3 is also beneficial for the mental health and cognition, improving mood, motivation, memory, concentration and learning.

Omega 3 can contribute to the process of weight loss in two ways: it helps to control the appetite and potentiates the action of insulin, favoring the transformation of sugar into energy before it is stored as fat.

Omega 3 is mainly present in fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, mackerel and herring. Daily consumption should be greater than 1.8 g, equivalent to 300 grams of fish per week.

Click here to find out which foods are most omega 3.

The use of omega 3 capsules should be indicated by a doctor or nutritionist, who will take into account the history of the person and their needs, indicating when, and how it should be taken.

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