What are the side effects of creatine?

Expert answer:

Main side effect of creatine is the swelling caused by fluid retention. In addition, consumption of creatine above the recommended amount can cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and an upset stomach.

There is no scientific evidence that the association of creatine supplementation kidney and / or liver damage or yet muscle cramps.

In fact, there are still scientific studies that prove the side effects of creatine when it is consumed in excess

However, it is common sense that individuals who already have functional disorders in the kidneys, liver and heart can not use creatine without follow-up with nutritionist or doctor.

Creatine is an acid produced naturally by the body that helps provide energy to muscle fibers during Muscular contraction.

Exercise experts advocate using creatine as a supplement to help strengthen muscles, as it promotes increased muscle mass.

Creatine should preferably be taken under the supervision of a physician specializing in sports medicine, a physical education or nutritionist.