Who has gastritis should avoid eating what?

Expert answer:

Those who have gastritis should avoid eating foods and consuming beverages that may irritation in the mucosa of the stomach or increase production of stomach acid. In general, you should avoid anything that has caffeine, such as coffee, black tea and chocolate, alcoholic beverages, milk and dairy products, fatty foods, strong spices, acidic foods and beverages such as fruits and soft drinks, general.

Some foods and beverages that should be avoided by those who have gastritis:

- Fatty meats: termite, rib, picanha, milky, crackling, bacon;

- Sausages: sausage, sausage, mortadella, salami;

- Processed and frozen foods: hamburger, nuggets, saltines, pizzas;

- Dairy products: Milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and yellow cheese such as mozzarella, provolone, parmesan;

- Citrus fruits: lemon, orange, passion fruit, kiwi, pineapple, strawberry;

- Greasy food: Breaded food, fried foods, empanados, feijoada and double;

- Condiments, sauces and seasonings: peppers, ready-made spices, garlic, onion, vinegar, broth, tomato sauce, English sauce, pepper sauce, soy sauce (shoyu), nutmeg, cinnamon, mustard, ketchup;

- Drinks: Alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, soft drinks;

- Caffeine: Coffee (decaffeinated can), black tea, green and mate, chocolate;

- Sweets in general: Chocolate, fruit in syrup, guava, condensed milk, sour cream, toppings, wafers and stuffed cakes.

It is also important to avoid very hot foods not to make inflammation worse (gastritis is an inflammation in the stomach) and chewing chewing gum, which increase the secretion of gastric juice.

People with gastritis should not be left without eating for a long time, nor jump
meals. You should not stay for more than 4 hours without eating anything. The ideal is to do between 5 and 6 meals per day, with breakfast, lunch in the morning, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper.

Remembering that you have to chew slowly on food and do not eat large meals or fatty meals near bedtime.

The gastroenterologist will be able to provide more information and clarify any doubts about feeding in case of gastritis.

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