What is the treatment for breast fibroadenoma?

Expert answer:

Treatment for breast fibroadenoma can be done through clinical-radiological control or surgery. In smaller tumors, in patients under 25 years of age, clinical and ultrasonographic control may be performed semiannually. If the fibroadenoma presents progressive growth, its surgical removal is indicated.

In multiple and small fibroadenomas, the physician may also choose to follow clinical-radiological follow-up as a form of treatment. The decision aims to avoid the multiple incisions that would be necessary to remove the tumors through surgery.

However, women over 35 years of age should always undergo surgical treatment. The procedure can be done by mammoth (effective for tumors up to 1.5 cm), cryoablation (promotes tumor death by freezing at extremely low temperatures) or removal of the tumor with surgical incision.

Depending on the location and size of the lump, the patient returns home on the same day of surgery or remains hospitalized after the procedure and returns home the next day.

Breast fibroadenoma surgery is rapid and recovery is usually complete, requiring only some days of rest until stitches are removed and complete healing is achieved.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma is the responsibility of the mastologist, who should advise the patient on the advantages and disadvantages of each therapeutic modality.

Learn more at:

What is a breast fibroadenoma and what are the symptoms?

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