Deep venous thrombosis has a cure? What is the treatment?

Expert answer:

THE deep vein thrombosis has treatment, with the following objectives: to reduce the risk of embolization to the lungs, to prevent thrombus growth and to prevent the formation of new thrombi. If untreated, about 50% of patients with DVT in the uppermost veins of the lower limb will present pulmonary embolism. This means that if left untreated, DVT is a high-risk condition.

Blood anticoagulation with fractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparin is effective in reducing the risk of PTE and the formation of new thrombi. After five days of heparin, which is given with subcutaneous injections, the patient will only receive tablet anticoagulants, such as warfarin. Warfarin is maintained for at least six months, depending on the severity and risk factors of the patient.

The individual with DVT should remain in bed at rest during the first days of anticoagulation, as moving the affected limb increases the risk of embolization. In patients who are contraindicated to anticoagulants or who, despite anticoagulation, continue to present new episodes of thromboembolism, the implantation of a filter in the vena cava is indicated.

The vena cava filter is a type of network located within the vena cava, in the abdominal region, which prevents emboli from the lower limbs from reaching the lungs.

It is necessary to be aware of the changes that deep vein thrombosis can cause, especially if there is a predisposition to the disease or there has been exposure to risk factors that favor the formation of thrombi.

If deep vein thrombosis is suspected, a physician should be consulted. He will be able to evaluate in detail, through anamnesis, physical examination and eventual complementary tests, what his correct diagnosis is, guide him and prescribe the best treatment, case by case.